Community Safety Solutions
We love being part of our local community & collaborating through partnerships! We work very closely with organisations such as the Police to deliver Town Safety Officer (TSO’s), and Business Improvement Districts (BID’s) to deliver our Street Ranger & Cleaning Teams which help to deter Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour ... helping to make people feel Safe, Secure and Welcome in clean & tidy surroundings is our pride and passion!
Our Community Safety solutions range from long-term presence and reassurance patrols by our award-winning 'Street Rangers' & 'TSO's', or task-specific deployments such as Taxi Marshalling, Riverside Safety & Street Cleaning …. all of which have the same aim; Community Safety and Reassurance
We are trusted by the Police, who contract us to deliver Town Safety Officer (TSO) teams in North Yorkshire to support their own objectives in deterring crime and disorder whilst helping vulnerable people
Intelligence Led
Information sharing is at the core of community safety ... Eboracum is a trusted partner
Innovative initiatives are bolted on to our solutions to enhance the positive impact
Being positive about the objectives creates a culture of honesty and openness
No two plans are the same, so we’ll work to design a project to meet 'your' objectives